About the program


About “ひきだすにほんご Activate Your Japanese!”

ひきだすにほんご Activate Your Japanese! introduces Japanese culture and language mainly to foreign citizens seeking to live and work in Japan and Japanese-language learners who wish to learn about life in Japan.
The Japan Foundation has collaborated with NHK Educational Corporation to produce this program. From 2022 onward, it will be broadcast on television channels and video sites in various countries and made available to classrooms in and out of Japan. Broadcast and availability of this program as on-demand video on NHK WORLD-JAPAN also began on February 28, 2022.

Context of this Production

Recently, cross-border travel and communication has flourished, and there are more and more foreign nationals working in Japan in a multitude of fields. People of various nationalities and cultural backgrounds, including those in the Specified Skilled Worker system, will have more opportunities to live in the same communities and work at the same workplaces.
The goal of this program is to encourage those who have learned basic Japanese (JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education* A2) to engage in more independent communication in Japanese (JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education B1).
The main segment of the program presents communication strategies** for making the fullest use of one’s Japanese skill to achieve communication goals, in conjunction with a drama that portrays the growth of Xuan, a Vietnamese protagonist who begins her life in Japan to work in a hotel. The program will also assist multi-faceted learning with other segments, including a mini segment that introduces the huge variety of onomatopoeia in Japanese, and a documentary segment focusing on international residents living in Japan and the highlights of the areas they live in.
Another aim of this program is to enable institutions and local residents in Japan to refer to the specific communication methods and levels of Japanese-language ability required for non-native speakers to live and work in Japan.

  • *

    The JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education (External link) is a framework for learning, teaching, and evaluation methods for the Japanese language that was developed by the Japan Foundation based on the ideas behind the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Levels of Japanese proficiency are described in six stages from A1 to C2.

  • **

    For example, behaviors like asking for clarification when one hears an unfamiliar word or smoothly taking turns when participating in a conversation. This program takes a new approach that seeks to improve communication skills in Japanese by focusing on communication strategies.

About ひきだすにほんご Activate Your Japanese! Content-Library

On this website, you can view the videos of “ひきだすにほんご Activate Your Japanese!” by the segments, as well as webisodes of “ONOMATOPOEIA” and “Welcome to My Japan!” that are not included in the broadcast version. The website is also full of functions that are useful for use in classrooms, including subtitles in multiple languages, vocabulary database and scripts – please see the "About this Website "page for further information.


Xuan Tackles Japan!

Xuan is a Vietnamese person who comes to work at a hotel in Japan. Upon arriving in Japan for the first time, she finds herself in big trouble when she can’t hold a conversation as well as she hoped! But then, a mysterious keychain she happened to receive at the airport comes to life... This drama following Xuan’s progress is filled with communication strategies that will help you to communicate more effectively in Japanese.

  • スアン日本へ行く! / Xuan Tackles Japan!
  • スアン日本へ行く! / Xuan Tackles Japan!
Onomatopoeia -Share Feelings-

This mini segment presents onomatopoeia, words that indicate feelings and sensations like “wakuwaku” and “sukkiri,” using colorful animation and short skits. Chatting will be more fun when you use onomatopoeia!

Onomatopoeia -Share Feelings-
Welcome to My Japan!

Meet people who have moved to Japan to live and work! What kind of work do they do? What is their favorite Japanese word or phrase? What is famous in their town? Viewers will get encouragement and tips on how to live life to the fullest in Japan as they sample the appeals of places all across the country!

Welcome to My Japan!

Main Characters and Cast of”ひきだすにほんご Activate Your Japanese!”

Xuan Tackles Japan!
Xuan Tackles Japan!
  • NGUYEN Mai Xuan (Fonchi)
    NGUYEN Mai Xuan (Fonchi)

    A Vietnamese protagonist who came to Japan to work at Grand Omiya Hotel after studying Japanese in Vietnam. Xuan loves Japanese anime.

  • Yansu (CV: KUMAI Motoko)
    Yansu (CV: KUMAI Motoko)

    A “Kurogo (a kabuki stage assistant)”-shaped doll on a keyring, who comes to life when Xuan comes across trouble in Japanese-language communication to give advice.

  • OTA Hana (FUSE Eri)
    OTA Hana (FUSE Eri)

    Floor-Manager of Grand Omiya Hotel and an understanding boss of Xuan. Ota-san works hard to create a pleasant working environment for her staffs.


    An apprentice chef working at a Japanese restaurant in Grand Omiya Hotelf. Rei is blunt and not much of a talker but is serious and passionate when it comes to cooking.

  • SAKAMOTO Sumire (Hiccorohee)
    SAKAMOTO Sumire (Hiccorohee)

    A Grand Omiya Hotel staff and supervisor of Xuan. With a strong sense of responsibility, Sumire is strict to both herself and other staff members. Sumire is from Osaka and speaks with a strong Kansai dialect.

  • Monica FERREIRA (Waked FADILE)
    Monica FERREIRA (Waked FADILE)

    A Grand Omiya Hotel staff from Brazil, and a reliable senpai (=senior staff) of Xuan.

  • Danny ADITYA (Steve SIAUW)
    Danny ADITYA (Steve SIAUW)

    A Grand Omiya Hotel staff from Indonesia, and Xuan’s very first kohai (=junior staff).

  • Kaan YIlDIZ (Halit MIZIRAKLI)
    Kaan YIlDIZ (Halit MIZIRAKLI)

    Owner of a Turkish food truck near Grand Omiya Hotel. Kaan has lived in in Japan for 20 years.

  • SASAKI Gonta (WATANABE Tetsu)
    SASAKI Gonta (WATANABE Tetsu)

    Landlord of the flat where Xuan lives. He is strict about rules and manners, but has a soft spot for his granddaughter, Aoi.

  • SASAKI Aoi (HATA Mei)
    SASAKI Aoi (HATA Mei)

    A high-school granddaughter of Gonta. Aoi is cheerful and sociable, and quickly becomes good friends with Xuan.

  • MINORIKAWA Takashi (YOSHIDA Oolongta)
    MINORIKAWA Takashi (YOSHIDA Oolongta)

    Self-proclaimed “best-selling” author and a very frequent guest of Grand Omiya Hotel.

  • SUDO Akira (TSUJIMOTO Koji)
    SUDO Akira (TSUJIMOTO Koji)

    A Grand Omiya Hotel staff, who loves gossips.

海老原(麗の先輩):尾関 伸次 / 百均の客:ザ・たっち(たくや、かずや) / 太田 譲(太田はなの夫):福士 誠治 / 花屋の店員:長田 奈麻 / 和食レストランの客:紺野 ぶるま、河邑 ミク / 田所 久弥(青年団のリーダー):阿部 亮平 / おの&せんば(祭りスタッフ):クールポコ。(小野 まじめ、せんちゃん) / 鈴木(電話越しの司会者):沢井 正棋

ONOMATOPOEIA – Share Feelings-

アダムス 亜里咲 / 梶原 みなみ / 喜多 乃愛 / コッセ こういち / 平田 雄也 / 長田 翔恩

Welcome to My Japan!

ナレーション:亀井 佐代子 / マシューまさるバロン

Creators of “ひきだすにほんごActivate Your Japanese!”

  • 共同制作独立行政法人国際交流基金日本語国際センター/株式会社NHKエデュケーショナル
  • 企画・監修菊岡 由夏、本田 雅美、石山 友之(日本語国際センター専任講師)、簗島 史恵(元日本語国際センター専任講師)
  • 協力山本 実佳(日本語国際センター専任講師)
  • プロデューサー水谷 陽子 堂満 一成  池田 拓郎
  • ディレクター板野 菫  渡辺 梢子
  • 進行石井 佳子 山口 未歩  植村 佳美
  • 編集市山 誠一郎  石川 洋一
  • 音響効果石川 良則
  • MA小田 崇
  • テーマ音楽age(gato)
  • グラフィック吉川 和弥
  • ロゴ両見 英世
  • 翻訳小峯 一公
スアン日本へ行く! / Xuan Tackles Japan!
  • 監督住田 崇
  • 脚本斎藤 栄作 熊本 浩武
  • プロデューサー小笠原 耕介
  • 助監督関根 淳  笹ヶ瀬 寛大  大河原 佑斗
  • 撮影島田 貴仁
  • 照明北條 誠
  • 録音西條 博介
  • 美術橋本 昌和
  • アートコーディネーター矢島 幹之
  • 衣装大原 由紀
  • 持道具水野 優奈
  • ヘアメイク村松 直美 中山 美穂
  • 制作担当篠宮 隆浩 遠藤 祐輝  永原 将和
  • キャラクターデザイン青木 純
  • 劇中アニメーションスペースネコカンパニー jimmy
  • 音楽ベアグラウンド カンケ
  • 効果日高 瞳
  • 絵コンテ山科 有於良
  • 3Dスーパーバイザー望月 智
  • 3Dアーティスト稲葉 麻友 中林 壮
  • 3Dプロデューサー日浦 啓太
  • VFXプロデューサー大岩 隆
  • モーションキャプチャー佐藤 直哉 安居 顯太朗
  • CGクリエイター江田 弥生 菅沼 計宏
  • コンポジター井上 淳之介  渡邉 祥  鴫原 義人
  • 操演大槻 妙子
  • 写真三宅 勝士 新田 みのる
  • 翻訳グロービジョン
  • 制作プロダクションsukima
気持ちが伝わるオノマトペ / Onomatopoeia -Share Feelings-
  • 演出・イラスト田中 健一
  • コーナー音楽Lullatone
  • アニメーション野中 晶史
  • 撮影平本 宗一郎
  • 照明井村 正美
  • 音響効果安田 桂一
津々浦々 日本のセンパイ / Welcome to My Japan!
  • ディレクター平岡 しおり 榎本 雪子 庄田 豊和 加藤 伸  高橋 幹太 新垣 博章 和田 萌  佐藤 利恵  三浦 信一 三木田 陽子 川合 美千代 二木 まさ美 工藤 鈴花 町田 雄一郎  北島 花純
  • プロデューサー宮下 瑠偉 坂本 晋司 永井 宏明 清川 恵美 澤田 祥江
  • 編集塩崎 一男
  • 翻訳Isabel Cosculluela

協力(五十音順)アイ・ペアーズ イーヴァ  ウッドオフィス  エクサート松崎  オルタスジャパン
きゃらや  京阪商会  さいたま市ロケーションサービス  ジェットスタジオ
ジェットセット  宿泊業技能試験センター  松竹衣裳
千葉県フィルムコミッション  トランスアジアビジョン  ナインキャスト  万永
ファルコン  フジアール  フルフォードエンタープライズ  マイズ
メロンフィルムズ  ユニット  ワインドアップ  Cinema Sound Works
